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Mission Statement
The purpose of the Pentecostal Tabernacle being in Port Colborne is:

1. To reach the unchurched people of Port Colborne and surrounding areas that have not yet committed their life to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

2. To bring the already committed Christians, as well as those that will commit their life to Christ, to spiritual maturity by means of Bible Study (with the understanding that spiritual gifts will produce effective ministry because the Bible is very clear that God wants every Christian to have and use a spiritual gift or gifts), Prayer, Fellowship, Church, Worship and Praise.

3. To train believers to become disciples of Jesus Christ (a disciple is one who believes in and follows the teaching of a leader, in our case, Jesus Christ).

4. To send the believers out into Port Colborne and surrounding areas to touch the lives of people and bring them to the knowledge of the saving power of Jesus Christ thus fulfilling the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:19-20.

5. To minister to hurting and lonely people.

What We Believe
1. The verbal inspiration and absolute authority of the Old and New Testaments.

2. The only living and true God eternally existing in Three Persons - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

3. The literal creation of man by God; his fall and depravity through sin as recorded in Genesis.

4. The Deity, the Virgin Birth, and true humanity of Jesus Christ.

5. The substitutionary blood atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ once made for the sins of all men.

6. The literal resurrection of our Lord's crucified body from among the dead.

7. The Bible conditions of salvation - Repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

8. The necessity of the NEW BIRTH for every man. Men are justified by Faith only and declared righteous, without works, on the grounds of Christ's finished work.

9. The true church is an organism composed of justified believers and not merely an organization.

10. The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

11. Divine Healing for our physical bodies.

12. The Infilling of the Holy Spirit as an essential equipment for service.

13. Sanctification provided at the cross (Romans 6:6,11) and to be appropriated by faith, thus producing practical holiness and a life of prayer and victory.

14. The pre-millenial coming of the Lord and the resurrection of the saints, followed by the Millenial Reign of Christ over the earth.

15. Eternal happiness for the saved and eternal punishment for the unsaved.

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Our History

"In 1925, A.E. Adams, Arthur Atter and I were driving from Arnprior, Ontario, to the conference in London, Ontario. We were motoring along Highway Number 2. At that time, we passed only two places having churches affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. These were Kingston (having a mere handful), and Napanee. That night at Napanee, there were only thirteen present, including the carload from Arnprior. As we motored through various places, we would remove our hats, and pray that a Pentecostal church would be founded in each of these localities. Then we would continue on our journey."

-James Mongomery-

The Founding Vision

From its inception, the driving force behind the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada has been church planting. Our forefathers believed that this would be the last generation before the return of Christ. Even as the church was born in an outpouring of the Spirit, so would it be raptured while in revival. As in the first century, so in the last, this renewal would result in the conversion of people and the creation of many local congregations. To that end they prayed and laboured.

Their vision came from the Scriptures. When Jesus said to go and make disciples, he provided the Gift of the Holy Spirit as the power for effective witness. He said He would build His church. As Pentecostals, we have demonstrated that the "power from on high" is the method the Master uses. The apostles went with an anointing to announce the Good News. Congregations came into being as Pentecostal power penetrated the population centers of that time. And so it continues.

Our charter of 1919 states three very significant purposes for which we exist: "to conduct a place or places of worship; to organize and conduct schools of religious instruction; to carry on home and foreign missionary work for the spread of the gospel." We began with the vision to reach the lost.

This vision was continually cast in every means of communication. The first issue of the Pentecostal Testimony in December, 1920, contained a letter by the Secretary-Treasurer, R.E. McAllister, in which he spoke of the "opening up of new Assemblies", and further stated, "Pastors and Assemblies ought to take this phase of the work to heart and lift an offering at least once a year for this very important work. Only as we extend the home work are we in a position to care for the Foreign Missionary enterprise, and we have demonstrated in the past that a hundred dollars spent wisely in the opening up of Home Missions under ordinary conditions will result in a hundred per cent increase to the Foreign work within a year. Every Home Mission opened in turn becomes a factor in the Foreign Missionary enterprise." This statement was followed by a listing of the current churches within the
Fellowship. There were 27.

By May 1, 1939, the Pentecostal Testimony was able to report over 300 assemblies affiliated. There were 190 ordained ministers and 52 missionaries. over a full page was given to report a new church opening in Paris, Ontario. With two pages devoted to missionary news, another two pages reported on church revival and growth in Canada, and yet another full page was an appeal for a Home Mission outreach. The vision of church growth was continuing to carry the new Movement forward.

It is our firm belief, that this same vision is still at the heart of our Fellowship, and still the motivation behind our momentum. We have called the theme of the year 2000 "Tell The Story." In accordance with the faith and forsight of our forefathers, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada has articulated its Mission Statement as "to make disciples everywhere by the proclamation and practice of the gospel of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit; to establish local congregations, and to train spiritual leaders."

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Core Values

We value God: His Word, and His creation, His redemptive purpose in Christ for the world, and His presence through the Holy Spirit.

We value people without Christ to whom we owe the compassion of Christ, and an opportunity to receive the Gospel and enter into Christian fellowship.

We value individual believers and their personal commitment to Christ, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, discipleship, Christian family life and fulfillment of the will of God.

We value local churches worldwide which are marked by sound doctrine, pentecostal worship, every member ministry, loving relationships, Holy Spirit empowered evangelism, anointed proclamation and practical expression of Christian faith.

We value a cooperative fellowship that enhances the church's ability to fulfill its mandate, through servant leadership, a shared vision, flexible structures, and strategic mobilization of its resources.

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